Questions and answers

Here we have collected a selection of frequently asked questions from our customers. We encourage you to use the information as a general guide to Lifeline Care products, and not as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Product questions

The most common product-related questions about Lifeline Care can be found here.

It is recommended to start with Lifeline Care Pregnant from the time you plan the pregnancy and throughout the whole pregnancy, and it can help with conception and contribute to a normal pregnancy.

It is recommended that you switch from Lifeline Care Pregnant to the Lifeline Care Breastfeeding product immediately after birth and use it throughout the whole breastfeeding period. You can use the product regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or not.

There are various nutritional recommendations before, during and after pregnancy. Lifeline Care Pregnant has been developed to support the development of the fetus during pregnancy, while Lifeline Care Breastfeeding contributes to the mother’s recovery after birth and supports breastfeeding.

The product can be used by women who are not planning pregnancy or are pregnant or breastfeeding. The supplement follows the health authorities’ nutritional recommendations for women in this phase of life.

Ingredient questions

If you have questions about the ingredients in our products, you can find answers here.

DHA and EPA are two types of Omega-3 fatty acids that have documented health effects. They contribute to normal brain function, vision, and heart health. These fatty acids are found naturally in oily fish and algae.

a. It is recommended to take folate from the time you plan to become pregnant and throughout the pregnancy, as folate helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus.

Vitamin D maintains normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body, which strengthen the skeleton and teeth. This reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D also contributes to maintaining a good immune system and normal cell division.

General questions

You can find answers to general questions about Lifeline Care products here.

Lifeline Care is sold exclusively through pharmacies, as the pharmacies have strict safety requirements. Pharmacy employees have the necessary expertise to guide and give advice based on your individual needs.

If you are unsure whether ingredients in our products could be problematic to take together with your medicines, we recommend contacting a doctor or healthcare professionals.

For the products Pregnant, Breastfeeding and Woman, you do not need additional supplements, unless you have special needs. We recommend contacting a doctor or healthcare professional if you are unsure.

Can’t find an answer to your question?

If you cannot find an answer to your question under “Questions and answers” or on the product pages, you can contact us at

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Vi i Lifeline Care ønsker alle en flott og rolig førjulstid fylt med masse kjærlighet ❤️ 

Hvis dere trenger et julegavetips, så er det alltid fint å gi bort noe som er positivt for helsen og velværen! Du finner ditt Lifeline Care produkt hos nærmeste apotek 🎄🎁 God jul!
Lifeline Care Menopause er endelig tilbake i en ny og forbedret form! Vi har gledet oss til å få produktet tilbake, og håper du er like glad som oss🧡 Akkurat nå finner du produktet hos 🤩 Sjekk story for direktelink! #lifelinecare #lifelinecaremenopause #menopause
Vi elsker det nye designet vårt! Gravid og Ammende kommer veldig snart til ditt nærmeste apotek i dette freshe designet, og vi håper du liker det like mye som vi gjør 🧡 #lifelinecare #lifelinecaregravid #lifelinecareammende #gravid #ammende #kosttilskudd

The Lifeline Care products can be purchased at