Supplements for the different phases of life

Lifeline Care sine mest populære produkter, gravid, ammende og barn.

Lifeline Care is a series of all-in-one supplements specially developed for mother, child, and the whole family

Lifeline Care's most popular products, pregnant, breastfeeding and children.

You can buy the Lifeline Care products at these pharmacies

The Lifeline Care series is only sold at pharmacies, where you can get guidance from skilled pharmacy staff.

Vitusapotek logo
Apotek 1 logo
Farmasiet logo
Apotera logo
Boots apotek logo
Ditt apotek logo

Most popular products

Check out Lifeline Care´s customers favourites! These products are particularly popular for pregnant women and families with small children who want to take care of their health.

Lifeline Care Pregnant

Lifeline Care Pregnant ensures the supply of important nutrients for both the pregnant woman and the child in the womb.

Lifeline Care Breastfeeding

Lifeline Care Breastfeeding contributes to faster recovery for the mother and important nutrients for the child.

Lifeline Care Child

Lifeline Care Barn covers the child’s needs for both Omega-3 and vitamin D.
Nybakt mor med få uker gammel baby i fanget

For you and your family

From birth to the first step, from first day of school to the first falling in love, from the day you move away from home to the day you start a family, and the time afterwards to enjoy your children´s and grandchildren´s growing up. Every phase of life is unique, and sharing moments with your loved ones is the greatest joy.

Different life stages have different needs, and there are several challenges you can face when it comes to your own health. Taking care of your body in combination with a healthy diet and a nutritional supplement may not solve all challenges, but it gives you a good foundation for success.

Your supporter in the various phases of life

Lifeline Care is based on being your supporter in all the different phases of life. By contributing with healthy nutritional supplements, we lay the foundation for you and your family to be able to actively enjoy every moment of life. For over 15 years we have had a pleasure of being a supporter who makes life a little easier, and we look forward to being by your side – throughout your life.

To par hender som holder rundt en gravidmage
En farmasøyt holder et glass med tabletter

Developed by doctors and pharmacists

The Lifeline Care products have been developed in collaboration with doctors, pharmacists, and healthcare personnel since 2005, and the series was launched in 2008 as the first all-in-one supplement for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The products follow the Norwegian health authorities´ nutritional recommendations for pregnant women, nursing mothers, adults, and children. Lifeline Care is a leading series in its field and offers supplements for the various phases of life.

Produ partner with Preglife, Tidsskrift for Jordmødre and BAM Magasinet

Lifeline Care is a proud partner with important Norwegian actors, such as Preglife, Tidsskrift for Jordmødre and BAM magasinet. Cooperation with these actors helps to provide pregnant women and women after childbirth with relevant and reliable information about nutrition, health, and well-being.

The collaborations create a platform that can support and guide in this phase of life. By offering safe nutritional supplements and collaborating with actors who share the same important engagement, Lifeline Care can help make both pregnancy and the maternity period a safer and positive experience.

Produ partner with Preglife, Tidsskrift for Jordmødre and BAM Magasinet

Nybakt mor og far holder sin lille baby
En liten baby gjesper i mors armer
Små babyføtter tullet inn i hvitt teppe


When entering a new phase of life, it is natural to have questions and a need for information. That´s why Lifeline Care offers professional articles as a valuable resource for getting safe and up-to-date answers to questions related to health and well-being.


The difference between nutritional supplements for pregnant and breastfeeding women

During pregnancy and childbirth, the nutritional needs of both mother and child are crucial for optimal health and development. However, it is important to understand that there are differences between supplements designed specifically for pregnant women and those intended for nursing mothers. Knowing these differences can help ensure that both mother and child get the right nutrients in the right amount at the right time.

Everything you and your child need in terms of nutrients

Finding out you are pregnant is both an exciting and stressful feeling. Exciting because this is the start of a new chapter in life with a new addition to the family. Stressful because the daily life changes.

You need these nutrients when you are breastfeeding

Being a new mother is wonderful. Maybe the best feeling in the world. But even in all the happiness it is also demanding. And tiring. You have gone through a physically hard period, and it is important to give your body adequate rest and nutrients to recover.

The difference between nutritional supplements for pregnant and breastfeeding women

During pregnancy and childbirth, the nutritional needs of both mother and child are crucial for optimal health and development. However, it is important to understand that there are differences between supplements designed specifically for pregnant women and those intended for nursing mothers. Knowing these differences can help ensure that both mother and child get the right nutrients in the right amount at the right time.

Everything you and your child need in terms of nutrients

Finding out you are pregnant is both an exciting and stressful feeling. Exciting because this is the start of a new chapter in life with a new addition to the family. Stressful because the daily life changes.

The difference between nutritional supplements for pregnant and breastfeeding women

During pregnancy and childbirth, the nutritional needs of both mother and child are crucial for optimal health and development. However, it is important to understand that there are differences between supplements designed specifically for pregnant women and those intended for nursing mothers. Knowing these differences can help ensure that both mother and child get the right nutrients in the right amount at the right time.

You need these nutrients when you are breastfeeding

Being a new mother is wonderful. Maybe the best feeling in the world. But even in all the happiness it is also demanding. And tiring. You have gone through a physically hard period, and it is important to give your body adequate rest and nutrients to recover.

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En mor smiler til sin lille baby

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Lifeline Care Menopause er endelig tilbake i en ny og forbedret form! Vi har gledet oss til å få produktet tilbake, og håper du er like glad som oss🧡 Akkurat nå finner du produktet hos 🤩 Sjekk story for direktelink! #lifelinecare #lifelinecaremenopause #menopause
Vi elsker det nye designet vårt! Gravid og Ammende kommer veldig snart til ditt nærmeste apotek i dette freshe designet, og vi håper du liker det like mye som vi gjør 🧡 #lifelinecare #lifelinecaregravid #lifelinecareammende #gravid #ammende #kosttilskudd
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The Lifeline Care products can be purchased at